Career Profile
- Designed and implemented inqury-based lesson plans in accordance with the Standards of Learning (SOL) for Virginia Public Schools.
- Took 75% of the instructional responsibility, including organizing and leading the whole group and small groups activities to promote active learning, and assessing students’ learning progress by observation, testing, and homework.
- Hosted virtual home visits to communicate with parents and build partnership with the students’ family.
- Collaborated with a mentor teacher to design and implement lesson plans for Math and Social Studies.
- Conducted small groups’ reading and math instruction.
- Participated in all responsibilities of a virtual teacher, including professional learning communities, IEP meetings, and staff meetings.
- Created and delivered math lessons and reading lessons, focusing on addition and writing respectively, aligning with Virginia Standards of Learning
- Engaged virtually with my mentor teacher three days a week and provided feedback to students’ work.
TODO: List the projects here
- Simple explanation about the project.